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What Is A Basal Thermometer And What Is It Used For



Every woman wants to have a child and a baby to cradle in her arms. Have you been married for some time but are still unable to conceive? Then maybe your timing is just off. A lot of women do not know exactly when they are ovulating and when they are most fertile.

It is very helpful for women who want to conceive because it is very sensitive to the point that it can detect even the slightest shift on a woman’s basal body temperature or BBT. When a woman is fertile or ovulating, her body temperature tends to go up. This slight change can be detected by a basal thermometer and could do wonders for a woman who wants to have a baby but is having issues with fertility.

Although it is true that you can rely on the count of your monthly cycle for that, the truth is that there are so many factors that could affect your period. Hence, women experience delayed periods every now and then. Of course, if your period is irregular, then you have an even bigger problem conceiving. Hence, a lot of women have turned to using a basal thermometer.

The question now is how to use and where to get one? When it comes to buying one, you will be surprised by just how easy it is to find a basal thermometer. In fact, you can go to the nearest drug store and be able to get one for yourself. If you want yours to be very accurate, then it is advisable to get a digital one. When it comes to your fertility, accuracy is most essential.

It takes regularity for you to tell your basal temperature. To make things easier for you, you can download a BBT chart where you can plot your daily readings. Don’t worry, it comes for free so you do not have to spend for it. Plotting the readings of your basal thermometer is essential for you to tell if there is an increase in your temperature at all since most women are not even aware of their normal temperature when they are not in the “fertile” stage.

For your reading to be very accurate, it helps to start plotting the reading on your basal thermometer on the first day of your menstrual cycle. The first day is when you start bleeding. Remember that before you even get out of bed, you must take your temperature first thing in the morning. It must be taken at the same time too to maximize the accuracy. It is best to get your temperature in the morning because the body’s temperature tends to go up as you start your activities throughout the day.
When you are fertile, you will notice that there will be a change in your temperature. It will be higher than usual which signifies that you are fertile and that is the best time to conceive a baby.